How It’s Made!
Many of you have come to love the brand new product line of wood, but always ask me how they are done. Well a lot of time and love are put into them. Simple as that. I start to give you the run down and just see your eyes widen when you learn the time that goes into them.
When I do a run of wood prints it takes almost a full month from start to finish. This is mostly because I do them in larger batches so that I can keep my studio clean. It is pretty messy with all the sanding, staining and varnishing. Once all the wood is prepared it is simply just added into my normal screening routine.
Now before you can even get to the messy bit of sanding all the wood has to be cut down. I wish it could just come to me the right size, but that would be too easy. After the sheets of wood are all cut down it is onto the messy bit … sanding!!! I have to cover up everything in the studio just because the particle is so fine after sanding and gets everywhere. It takes a full day of cleaning walls after.
From sanding it is onto staining and varnishing, which is when making the wood prints starts to get fun. I love staining … and no not because of the fumes! It is fun seeing each one with their unique wood grains. Not a single one is ever the same. I could do without the ventilator mask though! From there it is all about throwing on a thick coat of varnish. Doing this is actually super relaxing and I get to watch movies and TV (courtesy of my 1970 bunny ears) while that is happening.
Then finally the screening!!! It is a very exciting feeling once they all come off the press. Normally because a month later I am SO relieved to see them completed and ready to be package for you.
Hope you all enjoyed seeing the love put into each and every one of the wood prints!